Among order picking installations that work according to the operator-to-goods principle, live storage for cartons as well as for pallets is on the increase. Separate working aisles ensure that stock replenishment does not interfere with order picking.
Order pickers can rely on the constant availability of goods, as all storage units move continuously and unassisted into the picking position.
Drastic time savings in order picking
Depending on local conditions and work methods, travel time is reduced between 40 - 70%.
Storage according to the FIFO-principle
Goods stored first are taken out first. The live storage installation is loaded at the rear, goods are picked at the front. Easy control of sell-by dates.
Same storage capacity on a smaller surface
Up to 30 % of space can be saved by the elimination of unnecessary aisles.
Increased productivity
Different loading and picking aisles effectively separate staff. This improves staff productivity.
Boltless system especially developped for live storage applications
Optimum adaptation to the size of storage units
Roller tracks and dividers can easily be adjusted in 8.5 mm increments.
Levels can be repositioned in height in 12.5 mm increments
There are three types of rollers available:
cylindrical rollers with plastic axle
cylindrical rollers with steel axle
flanged rollers with plastic axle
Roller pitch
of 28 mm guarantees trouble-free travelling of cartons - even those of poor quality
Each level can carry up to 1000 kg
Due to the high load capacity of the frames it is possible to install a pallet buffer stock on top of the levels or to build a multi-tier installation
Further streamlining
is possible by automated stacker crane replenishment and by introducing paperless order picking.
- with one roller conveyor in front
- with one integrated roller conveyor for transporting cartons or bins with completed orders
Your advantages:
- automatic transport of finished orders into the despatch area
- separate working aisles prevent that loading interferes with order picking
- immediate re-stocking from the pallet buffer on top.
- with pallet live storage on the floor level
Your advantages:
- order picking of individual items as well as of complete storage units in one and the same storage area/picking location
- balanced work load in each storage area/picking location
- re-stockers and order pickers work in separate aisles and cannot get into each other‘s way.
- with a two pallet deep buffer stock on top left: static configuration, right: dynamic configuration
Your advantages:
- quick and easy re-stocking from the pallet buffer on top
- maximum utilisation of headroom
- highly suited for integration into existing pallet racking installations
- for dynamic solutions: separate working aisles ensure that order pickers are not disturbed by stock replenishment.
- mobile carton live storage installation with a pallet buffer on top.
Your advantages:
- space-saving solution with short travel routes as no separate replenishment
aisles are required. FIFO-principle is realised.
- service aisle width can be chosen to requirement
- unrestricted use of pallet buffer stock, as service aisles can be opened
wherever required. This means that the pallets do not have to be pushed
back and no special trucks for double deep storage are necessary.
- with pallet live storage buffer stock
Your advantages:
- high operational safety
- separate working aisles prevent that loading interferes with order picking
- constant availability of goods
maximum utilisation of warehouse space.
- the bins can either be stored in an automated bin storage installation or in highbay shelving serviced by an automatic stacker crane.
Your advantages:
- immediate stock replenishment due to short travel routes
good utilisation of available headroom
- allows computer-controlled material flow management including
permanent stock level control
- constant availability of goods.
- manual order picking from a carton live storage installation
- a fully automated carton live storage buffer constantly feeds the order picking installation
Your advantages:
- automatic computer-controlled replenishment
- greatly reduced travel times for loading both installations
- excellent utilisation of warehouse floor space and height
- space saving and cost efficient order picking installation
- automated carton live storage installation stores complete storage units which are fed in and out by automatic stacker cranes
Your advantages:
- fully automated computer-controlled warehouse management
- no picking mistakes
- maximum space utilisation
- “closed” system prevents unauthorised access to goods
- also very efficient as buffer store in production or dispatch areas.
1) multi-tier carton live storage installation combined with a pallet buffer stock in the rear
- centrally located roller conveyors in the picking aisles
2) multi-tier carton live storage installation combined with roller conveyors in the centre of each picking aisle
- re-stocking by man-operated stacker cranes
- optional replenishment via conveyors
3) multi-tier carton live storage installation combined with roller conveyors in the centre of each picking aisle
- automatic stacker crane re-stocking
- carton live storage highbay installation
- order picking with man-operated stacker crane
- re-stocking by automatic stacker-crane
Your advantages:
- optimum working conditions for the operators
- high operational safety due to separate working aisles
- computer-controlled availability of goods
- immediate computer-monitored stock replenishment without intermediate buffer stock
© Elmas SRL