This solution help you to convert your static pallet racking into live storage racking. Tuning made by BITO provides several fast and cost efficient options to convert static racking into a dynamic system.
- Drastically reduced pick travel routes and times
- Direct access to a higher number of items stocked in the same space and optimum
product visibility
- Compact and clear presentation of all stock items
- Adherence to the FIFO principle – first in, first out
- Increased staff productivity and safety due to separate picking and loading aisles
- Fast return on investment
- Easy control of sell-by dates and production batches.
- compatible with all types of pallet racking
- convenient drop-on fitting of self-supporting flow shelves
- flow shelves can be adjusted in height on a 12.5 mm pitch
- support clips provide a safe seat for the flow shelves.
- convenient drop-on fitting of the ready-mounted modules onto the beams of your existing pallet racking
- suited for cartons and bins of any size
- universal dividers provide easy subdivision into lanes
- modules can be removed at any time to restore the original state and can be re-used when and where required.